Our Summer in Photos - Family Documentary Photography | Jenny Harper
Our Summer
It sure seems like an age ago now that we're in OCTOBER! September was so busy that I didn't find the time to post my favourite photos from our summer break, the time the kids have off school. The best opportunity for me to indulge what I really love the most, spending time with my kids and documenting it in photographs.
I could wriite all about what we got up to, but pictures always seem to say it better than words, for me. So I'll cut straight to the images.

Good times!
If you'd like to have a family adventure documented in photographs, I'd love to hear about it! Get in touch at info@jennyharperphotography or on 07432 663368.
Documentary PhotographyJenny Harperdocumentary family photography, documentary photography, family photography, storytelling photography, summer, summer break, staffordshireComment