Family Holiday Documentary Photography | Jenny Harper
3 minute read
Our Week in Tenerife
We stole a week just before Christmas to jet off to Tenerife and get some winter warmth in a place I spent regular holidays as a kid, north of the island in Puerto de la Cruz. The commerciality of Christmas doesn't have the same impact there as it does in the UK and it was brilliant to get away for a bit of a break before the festivities.
Of the many photos I took while there, I thought I'd share a few of my favourites, a snapshot of how we spent our time, unscripted and unposed. Just the way I like it.

If you're interested in documentary photographs of your family or a special time in your life, I'd love to hear from you! Get in touch at info@jennyharperphotography or 07432 663368.
Documentary PhotographyJenny Harpertravel photography, documentary photography, documentary family photography, holiday, tenerife, puerto de la cruz, beach, coast, xpro2Comment